Valentine's day has become a universal tradition
Valentine's Day is an important tradition because it has to do with love, affection and care. Nowadays, you can express more than courtly love on this unique day.
You can express friendly love, love for your children or a spouse or love for other family members! Love of every kind is acceptable and that is what makes Valentine's Day a special day. Because of that, Valentine's Day has become one of the most important celebrations of the year, second only to Christmas!
Everyone around the world knows about Valentine's Day and takes part in it making it a celebration of great magnitude! This article will explore 10 Facts about Valentine's Day you may not have known!
1) Valentine's Day is the celebration of Saint Valentine!
Although we might know this day as a celebration of love it is the Nameday of Saint Valentine. Saint Valentine was a widely recognized 3rd-century Roman saint, commemorated in Christianity on February 14. From the High Middle Ages, this Saints' Day is associated with a tradition of love!
Above, Picture of Saint Valentine (source: Wikipedia)
2)Studies show that men are comfortable not receiving anything for Valentine’s Day.
As it seems men are less fussy about gifts. The reason may be rooted in the romantic notions of selfless love of the Middle Ages! Courtly love at its finest!
3)The average man spends twice as much as women do on gifts for Valentine's Day!
Chivalry seems to be a double-edged sword sometimes! Being broke was never as romantic!
(source: Image by Freepik}
4)Hallmark was the first company to mass-produce Valentine's cards.
The first formal messages, or valentines, appeared in the 1500s. However, in modern times, it was Hallmark who first offered Valentine’s Day cards in 1913.
5) About 1 billion cards are exchanged each year on Valentine's Day!
We said it again, a celebration of Love that is as widely known as Christmas is only natural to get the royal treatment in card sending!!
All are based on a heartwarming tradition that started with Hallmark!
6) Valentine's Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries all over the world
As we already mentioned earlier this celebration has become a global tradition. Valentine's Day is Celebrated everywhere from America to Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania!
7) Most Engagement proposals happen on Valentine's Day!
Diamond Engagement Rings, Sapphire Engagement rings and Emerald Engagement Rings are the ideal pieces of jewellery to propose with on Valentine's Day!

Diamond Treats Emerald Engagement Ring

Diamond Treats Sapphire Engagement Ring
8)Valentine’s Day is the biggest holiday for giving Jewellery.
Undoubtedly this day is the day of jewellery. On Valentine's Day men all over the world buy Jewellery for their loved ones!
9)Over 500 million stems of roses are sold worldwide on Valentine’s Day.
The Massacre of Roses that happens on the day of love is equal to none as more than 500 million roses are cut and sold worldwide each Valentine's Day!
10)The first heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day was sold in 1868.
The heart-shaped box of treats was first made by none other than Cadbury! More than 100 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are sold for Valentine’s Day each year worldwide!
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